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Browse our catalog of well-written scientific literature review examples across different topics and from highly skilled authors.


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our approach

How we handle writing a scientific literature review

We approach every scientific literature review comprehensively. We can work with your sources or search for new ones.
Searching relevant sources
Searching relevant sources
We start your scientific literature review by clearly defining a topic and identifying relevant keywords & terms to use while searching via credible databases.
Sources assessment
Sources assessment
After picking appropriate sources, we carefully evaluate them for credibility and the author's qualifications to select the most relevant ones on your topic.
Identifying themes and gaps
Identifying themes and gaps
Then, we critically analyze the literature for themes, trends, debates, key publications & current gaps, as well as look for interconnections between chosen sources.
Outlining the structure
Outlining the structure
Next, we outline the text using the needed approach (chronological, methodological, theoretical, or thematic) and perform analysis & interpretation.
Writing from scratch
Writing from scratch
When materials are ready, we write the text from scratch. We will summarize key findings & explain how the study addresses gaps, contributing to the field.

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How to Write a Scientific Literature Review

First things first: what is a scientific literature review? It is a critical summary of existing research on a specific topic in a specific field. It involves gathering written work, synthesizing, and evaluating it to provide a clear view of the current knowledge in the field. It can be part of a longer paper, such as a thesis or a standalone piece. Writing itself involves several procedures. Each must be done appropriately to achieve a quality analysis.

So how to write a scientific literature review? Let’s dive in.

  • Choose the topic and define your objectives

Pick an interesting topic that is relevant to your field. It should also be manageable, not too wide or too narrow, just enough to create a comprehensive analysis.

Once you have a good topic, create a list of objectives or research questions you will answer in your scientific literature review. For example, ask yourself:

  1. What is the purpose of my paper?
  2. What do I aim to achieve?
  • Search for sources, evaluate and prganize them

Explore multiple scholarly databases, libraries, and search engines to find articles, papers, and books related to your topic. Evaluate each source you find based on quality and credibility. During selection, prioritize the sources that best cover the topic and respond to your literature review thesis statement.

Read each source and take notes revealing its arguments, methods, findings, and implications. Look for things such as patterns, themes, gaps, and even contradictions. After familiarizing yourself with them, sort them into categories based on your research questions.

  • Don’t neglect the paper outline

Before writing a literature overview, draw a structure by creating an outline. It should include the different sections, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. List the points you will include in each section to make your further work easier. The outline will guide you and help prevent straying from the main ideas.

  • Write the paper itself

Using the structure from your scientific literature review outline, jump right in and start writing. Use clear & concise language; avoid jargon or complex terminology unless they are necessary.

  1. Cite sources accurately according to the specified citation style.
  2. Identify and address gaps and contradictions in the existing research.
  3. Ensure your sources are up to date.
  4. Keep it organized, and use headings and subheadings to guide your reader.

Writing a literature review is much easier when you’ve done enough preparation. Take your time to research the task beforehand to understand what is required.

The Acceptable Scientific Literature Review Format

Understanding how to format the work helps create a clear and well-structured piece. The format and structure might differ depending on factors like your institution’s requirements. Here is the most commonly accepted scientific literature review format.

  • Introduction

The intro provides an overview of the subject under investigation and its significance. It should also introduce the research question or objective in a study context. You can consult our example of scientific literature review to see how to achieve all this while maintaining the reader’s interest.

  • Body

The body section is where you discuss all the key points and provide your arguments in depth. Arrange the literature sources into groups and discuss each group in a separate paragraph. It makes the piece easy to follow. Where possible, use diagrams, tables, and figures to support your points.

  • Conclusion

The conclusion part is important as it ensures your paper leaves a lasting impression. As the last part of the analysis, remind the reader of the primary focus of the study. Then, summarize all the major points and address any gaps and limitations in your research. Also, highlight the potential for future studies and provide closure to the readers.

Consult a Scientific Paper Review Example for Further Guidance

Understanding the format and the process of writing is beneficial. However, as a student, it might not be enough. Sometimes, the best way to learn something is to see how others have done it by following a literature review example. You can learn how to create nice papers by using our scientific literature review example. How do you benefit from our samples?

  • You learn to adopt the correct structure for your piece.
  • It helps you know the appropriate tone for this type of paper.
  • You learn how to cite and reference sources properly.
  • Scientific literature review examples can build your confidence and make the task achievable.
  • Reading well-written examples helps you develop your critical thinking skills.
  • You improve your writing skills and language, especially if you are a non-native speaker.

Our examples are fantastic guide tools for writing. However, you should know how to use them effectively.

scientific literature review examplescientific literature review

How to Use a Scientific Literature Review Example Effectively

Learning from quality samples like ours can help you become a better writer and improve the quality of your papers. So, how can you make the most of our examples? Pick a relevant scientific paper review example and read it thoroughly, paying attention to structure, content, and organization. Our examples are up to date, including the latest trends, topics, and even requirements from instructors.

Note the tone, language, and style used and emulate it in your work. It should be formal, objective, and written with an academic voice. You also need to pay attention to how the writer expresses their ideas, for example, how they structure their sentences.

Once you’ve analyzed a scientific review example, note what you’ve learned and apply it to your writing. We must stress that you should only use samples as a learning tool; don’t submit them as your own work.

Try Our Example of Scientific Literature Review

When you acquire a review paper example scientific from our site, be assured it is written by a highly skilled professional with vast knowledge in the field. And these experts can help with your own paper. All you need is just fill out the order form with assignment details and pay securely online. It will take us very little time to pick the best-suited expert among our literature review writers who is well-versed in your topic. Next, you can rest while the writer works on your paper and get a well-written one within the deadline.

Getting a perfect lit review has never been so easy. So why struggle anymore if there are professional academics to get you rid of the stress?